Whew! Our reception party was today and it was just amazing.
What really amazed me was how many of my relitives spoke English!
As always my parents surprised me with how big our family is, I don’t really see them too often and in my perspective I just see my parents and now Becky’s family on a regular basis. But here there are SO many people!
We did not take too many pictures but my relitives did (stereotype? LOL) I will be getting CD’s full of pictures, they will be posted at some point.
We were also honored to have Mr.K show up at our party, he is the creator of the Nissan Z car (and the reason Nissan is in the United States), he gave us a very nice speech and gift.
We also got a very nice Family Tree, now we can finally figure out how the Ashihara family works. ha ha ha. It really was one of the nicest gifts ever.
I will post a picture of it later here….
I can’t thank my Parents enough for this amazing day (and whole trip!)
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