I cannot belive that it has been 1 Year since we got married! AND! we are still celebrating.
Next weekend we will be having our 3rd reception, this time in Japan!
I found (stole) these pictures claiming this is what ANA Airline’s Business Class is.
I HOPE SO!!! If all goes well we will be flying Business Class on a Boeing 777
Since I am a Geek, im sure I will be bloggin from Japan…. I love the internet.
For our Anaversary Becky took me to the Melting Pot.. what a fun place.
I defiently reccomend it
AND!!! She got me a Black 80GB iPod! I have not had a big iPod forever!
I have been using 2 shuffles, now I will have everything 🙂
I can’t even use the full 80gb since my Laptop only have a 160gb drive, eventually I will setup a home computer with a few Terabytes 🙂
Im not very good at this stuff so of course, I forgot to get a card and gift… I reealy need to get better at thing, I guess I should say “Card and Gift” in my Palm Pilot… lol
For our 1st Anaversary we spend the day at the Animal Hospital for Haley, our old dog.
She has been peeing in her cage and not eating in the past few days.
After $820 of testing, we now know she has an enlarged heart and a bad murmer, possibly failing kidneys but best case senareo just a REALLY bad case of UTI. We can treat the UTI but if her Kidneys are going bad we are thinking about letting her go visit Kritter (past cat).
Of course ALL of this has to happen when we are trying to save some cash (baby), going to Japan next week (Don’t think about breaking into our house, we have a house sitter and attack cats… they will mess you up! 🙂 )
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