Things have been so busy lately…. but I know, that is no reason I can’t take 10 min out of my day to write even a little post on my blog! Damn, thats what it’s for right?
So what Adventures have been going on?
Of course Becky and Noby has been going on some fun adventures during the day, the Ashihara’s are now proud members of the MOS…. which is actually kind of exciting for me since I would love to go there at any time.
Notice the butterfly between his feet?
That is in the Butterfly Exhibit at the MOS.
We also started to feed Noby some cereal and some sweet potato… it’s a challange but I think he will pick up on it quickly.
Congrats to Keri and Marissa! They just recently had babies and becky was able to visit them recently.
Im Sure the babies will become good friends 🙂
What else has happened in the past few weeks?
Oh yeah, I finally got someone on my team at work…. I am no longer a 1 man I.T. Department trying to support a 70+ employee company in Boston. What I did not expect was my work load to increase by at least 4x since David started.
Also my new boss is starting next week and I already have a whole week of meetings with him. This will be interesting but I am very optimistic and exciting that the company I work for might put some effort in ramping up the core functions of the company. We will see!
One last biggie, our house is getting re-sided!!
Totally unexpected and not really planned on, but what really is?
It was time, actually it was time 5 years ago for new siding. But the guy sounded nice, seemed honest and im sure he could have come down some more but I was happy to give him some business.
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